•  中国艺术网
Malachite landscape character screen
Photo Notes
Malachite landscape character screen, clear, high 13.6cm, width 8.5cm, thickness of 2cm.

Screen for malachite, rectangular, wood sheet, with socket. A carved landscape and figure painting, picture Chongshan Phi green, stream winds, stone steps order rose to square pavilion. Half way down the cliff on a platform over old stand, behind a boy holding wand at. Cliff of Biliuhe a fisherman wearing hats, holds the bow like fishing. The other side of rocks is bristly, carved pine, crane and Ganoderma pattern.

This screen using peacock stone without hole fine, bright color pure, shades of banded texture clear note. Craftsmen make full use of the above features, so that a piece of a wild profusion of vegetation, vibrant mountain appear on screen.
Further Details
Date added: Dec 1st 11, 03:28
Photo ID: 160
Category: 古玉翡翠
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