Photo Notes 青金石牧童骑牛
Lapis cowboy bull riding, clear, high-4.4cm, length 6.5cm, width 5.3cm.
Quality lapis lazuli. Sculpture in the round a cow, cattle were prone, back pack a boy, the boys pulled the reins left hand, right hand holding a rattle. Cattle and the boy showed expression of joy. Exquisite carving, modeling interesting. Lapis lazuli blue pure, no impurities.
Afghan lapis lazuli to produce the best quality, stable blue color, color uniformity, thick but not black, no white impurities, fine texture. Slightly Venus for the top grade, commonly known as green gold is not exposed gold is the best. Lapis lazuli in the ancient legend has spawned the effectiveness of midwifery, it is also known as the birth stone.