•  中国艺术网
Cowpea red blue glass bottle
Photo Notes
Cowpea red blue glass bottle embossed admiral, high 24.7cm, diameter 7.7-7.2cm.

This bottle with cowpea red glass for fetal, ornaments set blue. The device body is a flat eight prismatic, neck ornaments and banana leaf pattern, peony, lotus, Camellia abdomen decorated, plum, butterflies, bees and other insects are in flying among the flowers, nearly a foot Department decorative flower pattern for a week. Bottom carved calligraphy script " Qianlong year" four word double straight line section.

This is fresh and elegant decoration, although relatively abundant, but only to the blue color to the performance, and the cowpea red background is a soft static kyo. This bottle regardless of color, or a Lang Dafang layout, with the Emperor Qianlong period of popular pattern design, color rich style is distinguished somewhat, represents a new artistic orientation.
Further Details
Date added: Dec 1st 11, 07:48
Photo ID: 228
Category: 琉璃
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