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Zhu Bishan silver Croucher
Photo Notes
Zhu Bishan silver Croucher, high 18cm, long 20cm.

The Croucher silver system. Croucher was as juniper texture, shape such as the old branches Edgeworthia, caused by buckling of, a human sitting Croucher, Daoguan cloud shoes, long width, binocular gaze hand scroll. Positive Croucher tail moment" dragon Croucher" two words, the cup mouth next time Xingkai" Yuye since free storage, pan the Milky way to soar to the skies. The fifteen words," Du Croucher lower abdominal carved script" 100 cup mad Li Bai, Liu Ling drunk wine, little fun, party to keep in the world famous" 20 words, Croucher tail rear quarter script" positive Yi you, Weitang Zhu Bishan made in Wu Changchun hall neutron Sun Bao twenty-first word", and" Chinese seal Huayu" two characters.

The silver cups for the cast to sculpture, head, hand, cloud shoe part is cast after welding, welding is miscible with no trace. It has the characteristics of traditional painting and sculpture, crafts, marks the Yuan period silver casting technology and artistic level, for the study of Yuan Dynasty art development history of great significance.
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Date added: Dec 1st 11, 07:01
Photo ID: 209
Category: 金银首饰
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